Saturday, November 04, 2006


Difficult times for Tories in Medway

The difficulties caused to the Tories by the arrest of Cllr Paul Foster in connection with alleged sexual offences are likely to be compounded if the story of Cllr Philip Filmer's purchase of a former Medway Council property continues to be in the news.

In the same month that Medway Council launched an appeal to the public to let them know about empty residential properties that could be brought back into us as social housing, it emerged that the Council had sold two former Council houses which had at one time been used as a Family Services Centre. One of these has been purchsed by Clr Filmer. It is believed that the site of both houses may already be subject to a planning application for redevelopment as flats.

It is understood that Labour councillors may be planning to ask why these properties could not have been retained in Council ownership and reconverted for use as social housing.

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